My learning Goals for Term 3


I have been identifying my literacy goals for the start of term 3
My reading teacher is
My writing teacher is

So What?

My handwriting goal is to

My spelling goal is to complete list

My writing goal is to write about a moment in time using a picture prompt
                                use a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences
                                use a variety of verbs and adjectives to make my writing more interesting, and
                                precise nouns

My reading goal is to

My blog goals are  to  add more detail to my blog posts
                            to proofread and edit my blog post before publishing
                            to use a variety of ways to show my learning (text, photos/images, video)
                            to complete all the set blogs for this term
                            to do a ‘Can Do’ blog about an achievement, some other learning or something I am

                            proud of

My learning Goals for Term 3

My learning Goals for Term 3


I have been identifying my literacy goals for the start of term 3
My reading teacher is, Mrs Marsh.
My writing teacher is, Mrs Marsh.

So What?

My handwriting goal is to, Cursive.

My spelling goal is to complete list, 7

My writing goal is to write about a moment in time using a picture prompt,
                                use a variety of simple compound and complex sentences
                                use a variety of verbs and adjectives to make my writing more interesting, and
                                precise nouns

My reading goal is to

My blog goals are  to  add more detail to my blog posts
                            to proofread and edit my blog post before publishing
                            to use a variety of ways to show my learning (text, photos/images, video)
                            to complete all the set blogs for this term
                            to do a ‘Can Do’ blog about an achievement, some other learning or something I am
proud of.

My Speech Blog


My famous person I wrote about was Sophie Pascoe.

Making a speech was not easy, you have to think of what you are writing about, and if you are shy like me it is hard to deliver your speech, if you are shy like me don't worry because I have said a lot of things in front of my whole school.

C.A.R.E Values Blog, Week 8-9, term 3

My goal is to develop the consistent use of our CARE Values towards all the people I interact with and for myself .

  • My strengths are in being a person that cares about anyone even the people that aren't my friends because nobody should deserve to be picked on.
  • I have achieved my Bronze certificate.

  • I am going to work towards my Silver Because I can be an even more caring person on the way to getting it.

Integrated Learning Presentation

I have presented my narrative using: Book creator.

I worked with: Amelia Trick-Pendle.

My narrative showed empathy by: Our superheros saved all animals from going extinct.

The thing I enjoyed most about this learning was: It could be about anything (because it was a narrative) so we could use our imagination.

Something I learnt about Myths and Legends was: Legends might be true and myths might be true as well, but sometimes neither of them are true.

Art Attack Blog, Week 5, term 3


For art attack my goal was to produce a piece of art related to our local landscape using either paint, watercolour or pastel.

With Mrs Marsh I learned about foreground, mid ground and background in landscapes.
With Mr Forman I learned about colour and complementary colours.
With Mr Rule I looked at the different landscape features of Canterbury and Banks Peninsula.

I learned with Mrs Marsh that the foreground means the front of the drawing or picture, and you have to make things in the foreground bigger than things in the background e.g. a tree in the foreground is bigger than hills in the background (it sounds crazy but it's true).

Inline images 1

This is my art. It is a pastel drawing of the curators house at the botanical gardens.
I like it because it has lots of colour and I think it is a good drawing. It was hard because I am used to drawing Elephants, flowers and stuff like that.

My Student Led Conference

How I felt about my student led conference:  I felt scared because it was a new set-up. And I didn't like the rotations because I didn't get enough time to finish everything on time.

What was good about it: I did it.

What I might do different next time: not do highlights, C.A.R.E, Mihi or integrated topic, because I don't need them.

What was challenging: everything.

What my parents thought: I did very well because it was a hard and new set-up.

Te Reo Maori

We have been learning language about Ko Au witch means Me Myself and I.

Something I have learnt to say is: Ko Kate tenei. Koia taku mama.       Ko Isaac tenei. Koia taku Papa.

My next learning step is: To learn my Mihi off by heart.